Sunday, January 01, 2006

Happy New Year everyone!

Sorry it's taken me so long to post again. I've been busy lately. Well, my year ended on kind of a bad note all around. I lost my fiancée and also found out I'm just not compatible with another friend I've known for 6 years. Furthermore, I spent $1800 fixing the transmission on my car. Oh well. It wasn't all bad. I got seasons 2 and 3 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine for Christmas.

I've been studying for the LSAT a lot lately. I still seem to have the biggest problems on the logic games portion. I find that if I take all the time I need, that I get usually all but one or two right, but all the time I need totals up to about 1.5 hours. I need to cut that by about 2/3 to make it work on the real LSAT. I seem to be fairly good at logical reasoning, but I could use some improvement. If I don't rush through it, but take my time, my scores are up in the 170s, but as soon as I start rushing it, they drop to about 156-158.

I need to get at least a 160 to be practically guaranteed admission to Wayne State. I figure if I can do well on the reading comprehension and logical reasoning sections on the actual LSAT, and if I can get a 50% on the logic games section that I'll pull it off.

On a side note, I bought 3 bottles of Rosemount Balmoral Syrah (2000 vintage). They were $50 a bottle, and I'm currently cellaring them. I will drink one bottle when I graduate law school, another bottle when I get my bar card, and the third bottle when I win my first case.

Well, school starts again this weekend. It's going to be hell this semester because I'll be so damn busy. I have 3 classes, plus studying for the LSAT. This is definitely NOT going to be a fun semester, but if I can survive it, I will have a lot more confidence in myself.


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