Time for a Rant...
I wanted to avoid getting involved with the Casey Anthony case, but I just have to say something. There is some major abuse of process going on here. Every time she gets out of jail the prosecutor finds some new charge to levy against her to put her back in jail. That is irresponsible and abusive imo. Second, its apparent that the prosecutors and police in that case have absolutely no concept or understanding of the rules of professional responsibility. It's like they're doing everything they can to make sure this woman does not get a fair trial. They're releasing evidence every other day to the press, some of which may not even be admissible at trial, and in doing so, I believe they have irreparably tainted the jury pool. There's no way she will get a fair trial on any of these charges. Every potential juror will want to convict her of anything they can get their hands on because they believe she's a murderer. Maybe she is, but damnit, that's not the way this country is supposed to work. People are supposed to get a fair trial by an impartial jury of their peers, but this case has already been tried completely in the press and has become a Roman holiday. There is absolutely no way jurors won't be biased against her going into the trial. The whole process is a sham, and the prosecutors and police are doing everything they can to turn what should have been a fair trial into a kangaroo court.
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