Thursday, April 26, 2007

A Sports Rant...

I don't usually post about sports here, but many of you know that I'm a die hard Red Wings fan, and after attending tonight's shutout by the San Jose Sharks I have something I need to get off my chest to some of the so-called Red Wings "fans" out there. I was absolutely disgusted to hear the crowd booing the Wings at the end of the game. What the hell is wrong with you people? DON'T FUCKING BOO YOUR TEAM AT THE END OF THE GAME JUST BECAUSE THEY FUCKING LOSE!!!! Seriously. That's pure bullshit. These people go out there and perform for you, put their bodies on the line and sometimes suffer serious and even life-threatening injuries for your entertainment and you boo them because they don't win? I know they make a lot of money to compensate them for the risk, but some of those players have suffered debilitating injuries that not only ended their career but wrecked their lives. If they're your team you don't boo them, EVER. You applaud at the end of the game, win or lose. Win or lose the Wings are my team and I support them either way. The Sharks are a good team and worthy of respect, and I acknowledge them and their good play tonight. Either way, the Wings played well and since they're my team, they get my cheers regardless of the outcome. Enjoy your victory San Jose. We'll see you Saturday.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

um... shouldn't you be studying? exam update?

9:15 AM  
Blogger VSAvatar said...

Updates after exams... and I make it a point not to overstudy during exam periods. I find it does me very little good, as most of the stuff I know, I learned during the semester. Going over it more than twice gives me very marginal returns. I wish it gave me more, but that just seems to be how my brain works.

9:55 AM  

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