Thursday, January 11, 2007

More Grades to Report...

Got my Civil Procedure and Torts grades today, and they were both B+'s. I got my criminal law exam back with the point totals, but not the grade yet. I can tell just by looking at the score that this will not end well. I got 69 points on it, out of a possible 140. The highest I saw while sifting through various exams to find mine was a 100. This obviously does not bode well for me. I'll be extremely lucky to get a B- and probably quite lucky to get a C+.

I'm most concerned because that's the class I wanted to do best in, because it's the field I wanted to practice in. I don't feel like I'm clueless about criminal law, I just feel like I had a bad test, as is evidenced by the other 3 tests where I got a B+ and legal research and writing where I'm currently maintaining an honors pass. I just guess I'm a little depressed that I didn't do as well as I would have liked, and that I will probably lose my scholarship now unless I can do significantly better this semester. I'll do my best and that will have to be good enough.


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