Saturday, January 07, 2006

... and a major setback

Ok, now I'm really starting to get depressed. I was doing really well using the Next 10 Actual Official... I was scoring between 159-160 and starting to feel more comfortable and confident. Then I took test 44 from LSAC and my whole world turned upside down. It seems the bar has been significantly raised over the last 2 years for every score. Furthermore, I got 7 wrong on the reading comprehension section. That's COMPLETELY unheard of for me. THe most I've EVER gotten wrong on that section is 3 before. The logical reasoning I did about the same on. The logic games section I did horrible as usual (I'm lucky if I can get half of them done, much less right). In the end, I scored a 156.

I feel like all the work I've done for the last 2 months has been for nothing. Granted a 156 is still in Wayne State's range (152-158), but I can't afford to go anywhere else, so if I don't get in there, my hopes are sunk. I've given up a lot in the last few months to pursue my goals of law school (a 4.5 year relationship, quite a bit of money, more sleep than I can even quantify, etc.) and now I feel like it's hopeless. Because I didn't apply early to Wayne, I need probably a 158 minimum to get in there. If I had applied early with a 156, I might have gotten in, but so much for that now. I've got 7 years of full-time work experience (not in a law-related field though, so it's worthless), a 3.89 GPA, glowing letters of recommendation from the chair of the economics department, and my econometrics professor, and quite a bit of knowledge about law in general, and I feel like it's not enough.

Because I'm not rich, I have to go to a state school, and the only one I had a chance of getting into, is seeming more and more remote now. I could easily get into U of D or Cooley, but U of D is $35k a year, which I couldn't even hope to get enough loans for, and Cooley is not even a law school in my opinion. I could get a 3/4 ride through there, but the degree is worthless because no one will hire you with it. This is just really frustrating and upsetting for me. I HATE rolling admissions, and I REALLY HATE the LSAT!


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