Saturday, June 10, 2006

Briefed my first case today...

Well, it's part of this law school prep course I'm taking. It's in Atlanta, GA from June 26-July 1. It is an intensive, 8 hour per day course that teaches you lots of fun stuff about the various areas of law covered by first year law school students.

I had to read a 2 page decision called Lonergan vs. Scolnick and write a brief on it. They actually walk you through the briefing process, so it's pretty painless. Still, after reading that case, it has become obvious that reading and understanding legal opinions will not be as easy as I anticipated.

It's very easy to misinterpret the issue that the court is deciding on, or at least hard to home in on the precise question being answered. In any case, I'm sure the process will get a little easier as time goes on. I'm just not used to briefing cases yet. Anyway, I still have plenty more reading to do, but I'm looking forward to moving on and trying my hand at understanding these cases.


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