Saturday, July 08, 2006

Had LASIK on Thursday...

Well, it's done. I had LASIK on Thursday morning and went back for a 24-hour followup on Friday. My vision is currently bordering between 20/15 and 20/20. I can expect it to degrade somewhat as my eyes heal, but it shouldn't move very much. I should be glasses free regardless. If it degrades beyond perfect they can make adjustments with another procedure.

The procedure itself was fairly painless. There was no pain at all in the right eye; just some pressure when they cut around the corneal flap and pulled it up with suction. I didn't even feel being hit with the laser, but I could notice my vision improving as the laser fired. The left eye had some pain, but it wasn't bad. The doctor says they don't really know why, but it seems to happen usually that the second eye has some pain. It could have something to do with signals being sent from the brain trying to tell you something's wrong, but in any case, it was livable.

I had to go home after and close my eyes for most of the rest of the day. That was the worst part of it, having to lie down with my eyes closed all day was pure torture. I wanted to get up and do stuff, but I couldn't. There has been moderate discomfort afterward. It's mostly
dry eyes and a gritty feeling, like something's in my eye. I occassionally get blurred vision, but I'm told this will go away soon. I now have to put 3 different eye drops in 4 times a day: a steroid, an antibiotic, and artificial tears. I actually use the artificial tears much more than 4 times a day because it helps keep my eyes from feeling dry.

Was it worth it? Definitely! Would I do it again? Definitely! It's great to be able to see without glasses, despite the fact that there's some discomfort from the procedure itself. It will get better and go away on its own. It's just a matter of time.


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