Ok, I have something political to say and you won't hear me rant about politics very often on here, but I am 125% fed up with this government and the shit they're doing to our civil liberties. To nobody's surprise, it was released today that the government is spying on its own citizens. They're compiling a database of domestic phone calls to and from domestic US residents. I am completely angered and outraged by this!
If I were a politician, the last thing I would want is the current administration listening in on my phone calls looking for dirt to blackmail me with during the next election. Since I'm against the current administration, I do not want the feds spying on my phone calls and then find myself getting 5 traffic tickets a day, getting blackmailed for things I've done that aren't illegal, but are embarassing, or getting harassed in order to keep me from speaking my mind. I figured I'd start out straight with the rebuttal to the "what do you have to worry about if you aren't doing anything illegal" question.
I know that the UK and other countries do this, but most of them have a parliamentary form of government, a system where it's very difficult to make radical changes and have gross human rights violations. In parliament, there usually aren't only two parties and if you piss off too many people the government will fall and heads will roll practically on the spot. Here, you're stuck with them for at least 2 if not 4 years and you find out that since there's only one other candidate who isn't much better, you're screwed. Surveillance is very dangerous in a country with a governing system like the US. It can be used to easily and quickly stifle political opposition and push forth personal agendas of the ruling party.
I know this sounds extreme, but I'm really finding it harder and harder to not draw parallels between what the US is doing now and what Nazi Germany was doing in the late 30s. Hitler was pushing for more and more power, the government was giving it to him. He wanted to exterminate his own brand of "terrorism" (Judiasm) and he used "terrorists" (Jews) as a scapegoat. The Nazis tortured their prisoners, we export our prisoners to be tortured. We haven't started executing people left and right yet, but we'll see how long that lasts.
There's rampant cronyism and the courts are being packed with Bush supporters. Bush is calling for an end to the two term limit as well, which he wants passed before the next election so his brother can win and remain in power for as long as he wants. When you control Congress, the courts, the Presidency, and the election process, the country ceases to be a democracy and instead becomes an aristocracy or dictatorship.
I'm not saying terrorism isn't a problem because it is, but this shit has to stop. I'd rather see 1 million people die, myself included than watch this country fall any further into the hell hole it's headed into. IMHO it's worth the risk and the price. WHAT THE FUCK GOOD DOES IT DO US TO SAVE THE LIVES OF OURSELVES AND THE LIVES OF OUR CHILDREN IF OUR LIVES ARE TO BE LIVED AS SLAVES TO A CORRUPT, EVIL, AND ALL-POWERFUL/ALL-SEEING GOVERNMENT????? DO YOU PEOPLE WHO SUPPORT THIS SHIT EVEN THINK ABOUT WHAT KIND OF LEGACY YOU'RE LEAVING FOR THE CHILDREN YOU LOVE SO DEARLY????
I for one would rather be dead than live under that kind of Orwellian yoke. How much longer before the Ministry of Love comes for you? How much longer before the Ministry of Truth starts controlling the press releases and starts rewriting history? The Ministry of Peace already exists and is practicing their propaganda with a fair amount of efficiency. It's all about killing the big, bad, evil terrorists? I'm much more afraid of dangers from inside our own country in the form of the government than I am of terrorists abroad. WHAT WILL IT TAKE TO WAKE YOU PEOPLE UP??? ARE YOU GOING TO WAIT TILL THEY COME TO YOUR DOOR FOR YOU?????
It will be too late by that time. This is the straw! Something MUST be done NOW! If I can get enough volunteers, I will personally make arrangements to charter a massive protest rally down to Washington DC. It will require some donations and some of you to take time out of your busy schedules, but it's worth it! We will MAKE the politicians hear us if we have to stand at the entrance to the Capitol screaming at the them till they listen! This call goes out not only to people in Michigan, but people across what used to be the United States of America. Now is the time to get up and do something to make a difference. This not just about surveillance anymore, this is about where this country has been headed and where it's currently going. The buck has to stop somewhere and here's the best place I can think of.
I need volunteers though. I cannot do this alone. I need someone to create a website (my design talent is lacking), I'll pay for the domain name. I also need server space somewhere that can handle some traffic (I'll pay for a webhosting service if I can't find one). Anyone who's coordinated one of these before would be helpful too, so you can familiarize me with the rules and regulations that must be abided by and help out with planning a marching route. Once I have some people who are willing to help out, I'll post a date, charter information, and coordination information for people from different states. Anyone who wants to contact me can do so at krburger@gmail.com. Tell your friends, your family, everyone you know! Get people involved! It's the only way anything is ever going to get changed. The future of this country is in our hands and if we don't step up and take it firmly in our grasp, it will fall God knows where, leaving ahead of it a path of ruin for our children to inherit.