A big "NO!" from Seattle
Got my decision by mail earlier this week and it was a big fat reject. Can't say I am surprised, because I'm not. Still, it would have been a nice ego booster for me if they had accepted me. Still waiting to hear back from Case, but since Seattle said no, Case is pretty much a definite no. In the event Case does give me a yes, it will be a huge ego boost for me. In any case, I'm still planning on attending Wayne.
I got done with my second from last semester this week. I majorly blew the final in International Finance, but my grades on the other tests in there were stellar, so I ended up pulling over a 3.0 in the class. My other grades should be a 4.0 in healthcare econ, and a 3.5-3.6 in accounting. I have just one more class and one more semester left. Eight more weeks, just eight more. I'm counting down.
On a side note, I've started ice skating and playing hockey again. I'm really looking forward to the start of the summer hockey class at Fraser. Hopefully this time I won't injure my toe. I'm scheduled for Lasik consult, so I can see about getting my eyes fixed. I hate wearing glasses, especially when I'm playing sports. When playing hockey, a stray puck, even with a face shield, can make them a permanent fixture to your face. Not at all a pleasant thought.
I got done with my second from last semester this week. I majorly blew the final in International Finance, but my grades on the other tests in there were stellar, so I ended up pulling over a 3.0 in the class. My other grades should be a 4.0 in healthcare econ, and a 3.5-3.6 in accounting. I have just one more class and one more semester left. Eight more weeks, just eight more. I'm counting down.
On a side note, I've started ice skating and playing hockey again. I'm really looking forward to the start of the summer hockey class at Fraser. Hopefully this time I won't injure my toe. I'm scheduled for Lasik consult, so I can see about getting my eyes fixed. I hate wearing glasses, especially when I'm playing sports. When playing hockey, a stray puck, even with a face shield, can make them a permanent fixture to your face. Not at all a pleasant thought.