Friday, August 18, 2006

My Last Day of Work

Well, I have closed another chapter in the book that is my life. Today was my last day at my job. Law school starts Monday and I will have no time to remain on at my workplace. As it is, I'll be lucky to survive the hectic schedule that is law school. We had a pretty good time.

I had a couple service calls today, but nothing major. Then at the end of the day, we had cake and beer, and my coworkers and boss gave me a card. We swapped stories for awhile, then I turned my stuff in, got my stuff together, and took the long walk to my car. It's a sort of bittersweet thing I guess. On one hand, I'm sad to go, because I liked working there. On the other hand, it's a happy occassion because I'm moving on to do what I really want to do with my life.

So, that being said, here we go. Monday starts the rest of my life, and I'm both excited and apprehensive about the experience. Wish me luck. Watashi wa ganbarimasu!


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